Friday, June 4, 2010

Independent Inquiry

This week we started our independent inquiry on renewable energy. Our task is to make an informed opinion on the big idea above. To do this we need to investigate the pros and cons of several forms of renewable energy, including solar. This is a big task and will involve a lot of concentration. It will also require us to use many skills including skimming and scanning, note taking and summarising (to name just a few!)

So far we have brainstormed our existing knowledge and thought carefully about some questions we would like to investigate. On Wednesday we used the www to start gathering information to assist us answering our questions.

Below is link to a wiki that has a wide variety of websites on different types of renewable energy. We used this as our starting point for research.


celine malama said...

.inquiry on renewable energy
.explanation on "how hydro power works"
.learning about solar power

.hard to get information
.making the booklet to make it come together about hydro power

.I learnt alot about hydro power and the history of it!

gareth severin said...

.inquiry on solar power
.explanation on how does solar energy ganerate electricity
.learning about solar panels
.hard to get the imformation
.making the Q,As
.it was quite hard but i learnt a lot

Carlotta said...

It is really fun learning about hydro power and making the booklet!!!

It was a bit hard finding all the infomation and sadly I'm a little bit behind in doing my booklet( but not that much :)

Even though I'm not one of the people that are nearlly finished but I am still quite relexed and don't feal rushed!


Matthew Anderson said...

.it is really fun finding out the info on hydro power!
.learning about all the different ways to generate electricity
.writing my eplanation was really cool! Because it gave me an opertunity to learn about different things.:)

.it was really hard work to get all the info
.it is really hard to manage your time wisly to get your booklet done on time! :(

.is that I got to learn about a thing that I dont know about! :|

Anonymous said...


it is worth doing all the reserch because after you have done it you know lots about your topic


it was hard to find the information


some of the information I found was really interesting

from Rose